
ユーロフィンでは、25年以上に及ぶ知見を活かし、環境毒性, 環境ふるまい, 分析, 物化性評価といったご要望に対してフィールドとラボでの研究を組み合わせ、多様な作物と農薬に関する安全性と有効性を評価いたします。
すべての研究(study)は適切なガイドライン(IOBC, OECD, ISO, EPA)に沿った形で実施されます。
事例 (Study Case)
項目 | 明細 | ガイドライン |
土壌評価 /Non Target soil and Drug Organisms |
Earthworm Soil Microorganisms Hypoaspis aculeifer Folsomia candida Poecilus cupreus, adult and larvae Aleochara bilineata Pardosa sp. Dungflies (Dungbeetles: Onthophagus taurus, participation in ring test group) |
節足動物 /Non Target Arthropods on plants |
Typhlodromus pyri Aphidius rhopalosiphi Coccinella septempunctata Chrysoperla carnea Orius laevigatus Trichogramma cacoeciae TIRE testing: Lab, extended Lab, semi-field, aged residues |
蜂評価 /Bees and Bumble Bees |
Laboratory tests (acute oral / contact toxicity) Apis mellifera Bombus terrestris |
OECD 213,214 |
chronic feeding | ||
bee larval test test design: Aupinel et al.(2005) and Huang(2009) |
Honeybee stomach and pollen preparation | ||
guttation laboratory study | ||
extended laboratory test Apis mellifera |
EPA OPPTS 850.3030 |
laboratory bumble bee test Bombus terrestris |
OECD 213,214 | |
Semi-field Study (tunnel tests) Honeybee semi-field tests - Relevant crop Honeybee semi-field brood tests Bumble Bee semi-field tests Greenhouse studies (Spain, Italy) |
OEPP/EPPO No.170 FOTO 3 CEB draft No.230 OECD 75 |
Field Study Honeybee field test - Relevant crop rape, Phacelia maize, citrus, melon, peach, strawberries, sunflower, apple Brood feeding studies |
OEPP/EPPO No.170 OEPP/EPPO Bulletin No.22 (1992 a+b) OECD 75 |
水生生物評価 /Aquatic ecotoxicology |
Algae Green algae Desmodesmus subspicatus, Pseudokirchneriella Blue Green algae Anabaena flos-aquae, Synechococcus leopoliensis Diatoms Navicula pelliculosa Sea Water Diatoms Sceletonema costatum |
OECD 201 EC C.3 OPPTS 850.5400 |
Aquatic Plants Lemna gibba, Lemna minor in addition :different test design Myriophyllum aquaticum, M.spicatum, M.sibiricum |
OECD 221 including recovery phase |
acute & chronic Daphnids (Daphnia) Daphnia magna Daphnia pulex |
OECD 202 OPPTS 850.1010 OECD 211 OPPTS 850.1300 |
acute toxicity Gammarids and Asellids Gammarus pulex Asellus aquaticus |
OPPTS 850.1020 | |
Hyalella azteca | OPPTS 850.1735 | |
Chironomus riparius Chironomid Life-Cycle Toxicity Test 14C-labelled testing schemes and perform |
OECD draft 2010 OECD 218 OECD 219 OECD 233 |
Lumbriculus variegaatus | OECD 225 | |
acute toxicity Rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) Zebrafish(Danio rerio) Carp(Cyprio carpio) |
OECD 203 OPPTS 850.1075 |
Long-term toxicity Rainbow trout, Zebrafish, Carp Prolonged toxicity test Bioconcentration test Fish juvenile growth test Zebrafish only Early life stage toxicity test Short term toxicity testing on embryo and sac-fry stage Fish juvenile growth test |
OECD 204 OECD 305 OECD 215 OECD 210 OECD 212 |
Toxicity to Microorganisms | OECD 209 | |
Ready Biodegradability | OECD 301 D OECD 306 |
植物評価 /Non target Plants |
Seeding Emergence and Vegetative Vigour Test | OECD 208 OECD 227 |
Soil Quality -Biological methods- Chronic toxicity in higher plants rape: Brassica rapa CrGC oat: Avena sativa |
ISO 22030 | |
その他 /Other |
accompanying in-house on-line analysis |
農薬 お問い合わせ