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Eurofins FQL

Eurofins FQL Company Outline

Company name

Eurofins FQL Ltd.


1-1, Shinogura, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa, 212-8510, Japan


Atsushi Kato


  • Founded
    April, 1994  as Fujitsu Analysis Laboratory Ltd.
  • Established
    August, 2006  as Fujitsu Quality laboratory Ltd.
  • Changed the company name
    July, 2021  to Eurofins FQL Ltd.


100% Eurofins EAG Materials Science Japan Holding (July 1, 2021)


Reliability evaluation, Failure analysis of electronic devices, Supplier audit, Material analysis, Quality consulting, Environmental analysis, Support for the regulatory compliance (RoHS, etc), Support for QMS (Quality Management System) , etc.


Eco checker


Worrying about the corrosive environment in your factory, office or living environment?
As a part of our mission to contribute our customer to improve the working or living environment, we developed environmental diagnosis kit, "Eco checker". This simple kit would sure to help you to diagnose the corrosive substances that may cause the facility, the machine or human health problems.

If you are already Eco checker user and looking for the procedure and operation manual to start diagnosis of the corrosive environment with "Eco checker", please refer to the following guidance.



Eco checker Operation manual

1. Eco checker Color reference table

  1. Place the "Eco checker" in the environment that you want to diagnose, as shown in the diagram in the "Eco checker II Color Reference Table" and leave for 1 month. (In case XRF analysis follows, the environmental exposure will be 2 weeks)
  2. After the environmental exposure, compare the color of each of 5 metal (test piece) pieces against "Color Reference Table". and find a similar color from the table. For each test piece, choose the group in "Color choice sheet" and check.
    (When similar color is not found, check "No list color".)
  3. Complete the check for 5 test pieces. Go to procedure 2 "Eco checker Color sample".

Eco checker color reference

2. Eco checker Color sample

  1. Prepare "Eco Checker Color sample", in the Eco checker kit.
  2. See the result of "Eco Checker II Color choice sheet" already completed in procedure 1.
    * Color sample A (group I result), B (group II result), and C (group III result) correspond to following gas.
    • Color sample A: Sulfurous acid gas
    • Color sample B: Hydrogen sulfide gas
    • Color sample C: Chlorinated gas
  3. Place the "Eco checker" as figure shows in "Eco checker II Color sample". Compare the color of the test piece against Color samples. *
    * e.g.) In case of "Color sample A: Sulfurous acid gas", compare the color of Fe-Ni Alloy (the test piece in the center of "Eco checker") against the color sample.
  4. The value below the Color sample indicates an estimate concentration (ppb) of the corrosive gas.
  5. Follow the same procedure for the other sample groups.
  6. In case you get a result "No list color", the environment includes gases that "Eco checker" cannot identify.
  7. If no test pieces shows remarkable color change (No tarnish), the test result is "no corrosive gas that Eco checker can identify" in the tested environment.

Eco checker II color sample



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